When My Mind is Still

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
When My Mind is Still

When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my heart,
I remember things too easily forgotten:
The purity of early love,
The maturity of unselfish love that asks --
desires -- nothing but another's good,
The idealism that has persisted through all the tempest of life.
When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my heart,
I can find a quiet assurance, an inner peace, in the core of my being.
It can face the doubt, the loneliness, the anxiety,
Can accept these harsh realities and can even grow
Because of these challenges to my essential being.
When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my heart,
I can sense my basic humanity,
And then I know that all men and women are my brothers and sisters.
Nothing but my own fear and distrust can separate me from the love of friends.
If I can trust others, accept them, enjoy them,
Then my life shall surely be richer and more full.
If I can accept others, this will help them to be more truly themselves,
And they will be more able to accept me.
When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my heart,
I know how much life has given me:
The history of the race, friends and family,
The opportunity to work, the chance to build myself.
Then wells within me the urge to live more abundantly,
With greater trust and joy,
With more profound seriousness and earnest service,
And yet more calmly at the heart of life.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
i miss you:

Josephine Wangge
 jarak itb-maranatha padahal cuma seiprit yah vin tapi sama-sama sibuk jadi jarang ketemuu. :'( vinaa mau makan mie rica kejaksaan dehh.

Meriam Ester Dumais
 paling susah deh ketemu sama mheyy. waktu libur itb-ugm kenapa sangat berbeda siihh?? i have many stories to share mheyy...

Nissa Melina
ini paling jarang ketemu kalo ngga di dunia maya. aku pasti ke singapur lagi niss biar jalan lagi. hebat banget kita ya malah waktu ketemu tercipta saat di singapur. hahaa sering dong balik ke indo niss!

Erika Natasya
makasii erika udah dateng ke bandung kemariinn. tapi udah kangen lagi nihh.

Agata Febe
 febeeee, pengen nyanyi gila-gilaan deh sama looo. kenapa sih sibuk banget si anak HI-Unpar satu iniii!!

Astried Harefa 
astrooong. ini ga kangen ahh tiap malem ol msn muluu. hahaa

Sherly Novita, Dyani Ratih, Ajeng Indah Pramesti, Christanty Deviati.
gilaaa. gw kangen banget sama kaliaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn!!
hey tanty balik cepetan lo dari belanda biar bisa kumpul lagi ber5!! biar kita bikin rusuh lagi GKJ Nehemia kita tersayaaangg. hahaa

Dorrie Dominica Sudharsono
kangen ngebanyol banget sama lo dorrie. kangen ngegosipp. kangen window shopping. kangen ret-ret sama loo. kangen ketawa ngakak super lebar sama loo. :"((

Ivola Lota Widodo
ibu dokter saya akan segera menyusul anda ke baliiiiii.

my puppies

Thursday, March 18, 2010
i love my puppies and i really wanna go home so i can hug them. hihiii :) they are cute, aren't they?


Tuesday, March 16, 2010
thanks for coming Erika, Jossy, Inggrid dan Wina. eventhough it's just a moment but i truly enjoy it. it's so nice to meet you all. it has been a long time no see and i really appreciate it! i'm waiting you all to come here again. loves. :)

ohh no shopaholic!

Monday, March 15, 2010
dear God,
please tell me how to stop my shopaholic!!
must i go to psychiatrists to cure this sickness?
why do i have to be born as a girl?
why girl always love shopping?
and why i can't control my mind while seeing those beautiful things?

sometimes shopping can make my heart feel better. or is that just an excuse for shopping? hahaa :)


Sunday, March 14, 2010
i promise to my self i will :)


stop fooling around!
having fun just in the right time!
what will you get geby if you are too much wasting time?
graduate with a bad score?
then kill me if that happen.
i promise i will.
exactly after i promise with God in church this evening.
i know it'll be hard to fulfill my promise.
but who knows if i don't try first?
okay. than wait for my newself.
newself for studying.

a last bestfriend

well, i know it will just open up a long wound.
but in my lonely time i just turn back to every step that i've done since a super long time ago.
and i do miss my old bestfriend.
hell, our friendship broken a long long time ago.
when i was still a short thinker (maybe now too), when we were still full of egoistic.
like hayley-paramore says in her ignorance song, i felt the same that time.
i was the one who ignore her. yeah she acted so bad from my point of view.
she knew that and she decided not being close to me too.
without a word without a fight or without a tears.
and then we are so far for a time and til now.
that was the end of our friendship. our innocent friendship.
hell yeah, i do love all super great times that we've done.
well my tears about come out while writting this.
i hate myself for being a stupid and egoistic that time.
unless i discussed it with her maybe we will still be a friend.
yess. stupid me. stupid me as a teenager. yess.
yeah because i was so young i can't think logically. wishing now each of my bestfriend will be not end. i love all my bestfriend now. enough 1 my bestfriend become so far now. i don't want it happen again. well being a nice person is hard ya know. and i'll try my best to be a though girl. and wish i could face my that last bestfriend with great smile. yeah. loves. :)

think positive

Thursday, March 11, 2010
if you think you are beaten,
you are.
if you think you dare not,
you don't.
success begin with your own will
It's all in your state of mind
life's battles are not always won
by those who are stronger and faster,
sooner or later the person who wins
is the person who thinks she/he can!


God please, let me do the best for physic midtest.

don't quit!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
when things go wrong, as they sometimes will
when the road you are trudging seems all uphill
when the funds are low and the debt are high
abd you want to smile,  but you have to sigh
when care is pressing you down a bit-
rest if you must, but don't quit

life is queer with its twists and turns,
as everyone of us sometimes learns,
and may a person turns about
when they might have won and they stuck it out
don't give up, though the pace seems slow-
you may succeed with another blow.

often the struggler has given up
when he might have captured the victor's cup
and he learn too late when the night came down
how close he was to the golden crown

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the cloud of doubt
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.

Geby, you have to fight and can't give up in a half of your way~~

notebook and me

Addicted. Who? Me?

send that message-hit those keys
I'm busy now, excuse me please!
I have a friend or two online, i'm having fun and feeling fine!
Where else could i go all the way around the world in just one day?
My computer and i are quite the pair as at the screen i grin and stare
For always on the other end of the line is a friend
Don't even try to stop me now, you wouldn't be able to anyhow
I am an addict, i confess.. but gee it brings me happiness
So go away until i'm through, one day soon i'll get back to you
But just in case that i forget you can always reach me on the internet
You know my e-mail i'm sure and until someone should find a cure
For this obsession ailing me, I'll be surfing happily!

-friends connection

maybe tomorrow.

Monday, March 8, 2010
this is it.
today is so full of badluck.
well let me turn back the time when i'm still so free in long 3months holiday.
entering ITB with a bouquet of dreams.
my heart feels so happy and full of many thoughts.
i wish i will do great things here.
than 6months pass. i pass with a good GPA, eventhough much of my times full of fooling around.
now i'm facing second smester.
i wish i would get a good score again even better.
but what i feel right now, it's too hard.
i've never felt as down as this before.
the lesson become harder and managing time become harder too.
God, sometimes i feel i want to run out from this horrible days. from all hectic things here.
but i can't.
it's just 4days to physic mid test but i don't get anything in my mind.
want to study but feels so hopeless today. i feel like i'm a jerk. totally a loser.
giving up without do any effort.
i hate myself who easily get weak. who easily feel underpressure. who easily fall.
but i can't do anything rightnow.
maybe tomorrow after going to church i have an enlightenment.
i wish God shows me the way to encourage me.
yess. maybe tomorrow.

Here We are KSEP 2009

Sunday, March 7, 2010
uwaawaaa. akhirnya makrab CaKSEP 2009 selese jugaa.
walau begadang sampe setengah 4 pagi dan baru tidur stgh 5 pagi. suerrrr banget asssiiiikkk bangeeettt!!!
yess i love you KSEP 2009!!
awalnya bersingut-singut karena ngaret berangkat sampe setengah 2. teruss mood drop pas kita harus naik truk. untungnya kita para wanita charter angkot. pheeww~ kasian deh para lelaki naik truk berjemur udah kayak sapi. hahaaa :)

tapii begitu sampe di villa istana bunga mood berubah 180 derajat. sejuk,seger, indah buat perasaan nyaman. pluss kita makan bakso panas" nungguin para lelaki datang. well well, gila dehh.

lalu gw dan 4 cewe lain kena marah senior karena kelamaan jalan-jalan dan ngga segera masuk ke villa buat rapat. hahaa. sok galak tapi emang ternyata serem banget pas marah si kakak.

trus simulasi bursa efek. ini konyol. kelompok gw bertiga ngga ada yang terlalu ngerti pergerakkan saham, jadi kita kebanyakan main aman. ngga berani muter uang dan saham. cuma jual saham di harga tinggi sampe saham di satu perusahaan habis. lalu jual saham di perusahaan lain dan beli sedikit saham lagi pas harga turun. dan ternyataaaa. walau main aman dan ngga kayak kelompok lain yang muter uang mereka sampai ngga ngerti itu saham mereka minus apa kagak. kita juara 2 loh!! sikasikasikk! hahaa.

sebetulnya dari simulasi bursa saham ini gw ngerti sekarang mengapa di BEI ributnya udah kayak apa. gimana cepatnya isu menyebar. gimana kita harus pandai analisa saham. gimana ngga boleh gambling ambil keputusan. gimana hiruk-pikuk di BEI. di simulasi ini aja mata gw pusing. gw ngga mau kerja di BEI! ohh tidakk!!

lalulalu salah satu the best moment adalah kita 2009 harus masak nasi goreng plus telur goreng buat 2009 dan senior. kita dikasih waktu 1.5 jam buat masak dan makan. kebayang ngga kita 31 orang gedubrakan di dapur yang kecil. dan ngga nyangka chef kita yg super ahli adalah mereka para lelaki! hahaaa
gw dan feli kerjanya nyomotin telur orak-arik yg udah di masak. hahaa. dodol deh ahh. tapi seruuu. walau pas di makan nasi gorengnya ngga berasa tapi we have a lot of fun!

lalu jam 9 kita mulai sesi super ngantuk yaitu wejangan dari para alumni KSEP. huaa ngantuk.trus jam setengah 11 kita ke luar dan main di sekitar api unggun. lalu mulai deh aksi marah" senior. mata kita ditutup pake syal dan dituntun masuk ke dalam villa lagi. dan mulai acara seleksi pelantikan. kita akan dikasih 5 sedotan. boleh disimpen buat sendiri boleh di kasih orang lain yang menurut kita layak. untungnya gw dapet lebih dari 5 sedotan dari orang lain dan masuk gol 10 orang yg disuruh ke bawah. gw bener" bingung pas ditanya "menurut teman" kamu layak, tapi apakah menurut kamu sendiri kamu layak?" gw sempet terdiam bingung buat jawab. akhirnya malah curcol gw ke kakaknya ehh si kakaknya mah curcol juga zaman di caksep dulu. hahaa. untung gw ditanya oleh senior yang baik. dan yang paling gw ga suka pas kita ber10 harus buat jaminan buat 21 orang teman kami di atas yang dapet sedikit sedotan apakah mereka pantas dilantik? aduh. momen kayak gini nih paling ngga suka. kenapa sih ngga dilantik aja semua? kenapa harus kita aja yg dilantik dan mereka ngga? padahal menurut gw buat  dateng makrab aja udah menunjukkan keseriusan mereka. kenapa harus pakai jaminan? kita ber10 bingung setengah mati di bawah. well akhirnya kita nemuin solusi di penghujung waktu. dan akhirnyaa setelah jaminan kami dibacakan dan janji mereka yang di atas dibacakan kami dilantik jadi KSEP 2009 sekitar pukul 3 pagi. huaaa. lamaa banget tuh proses. pinggang gw udah encok banget kebanyakan berdiri. tapii seru deh. seruuuuuuuuuu bangeeettt!!!

lalu pas waktu bangun pagi. kamar gw adalah kamar yang paling lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bangunnya. cewek" lain udah sarapan kita malah belom. hihii. untung udah jadi KSEP jadi ngga masalah dimarahin karena terlambat. nyahahhaaha :) sesi selanjutnya bosen lagi. untung ada ice breaking di tengah kalo ngga gw pingsan karena ngantuk di tengah kumpul. yah intinya presentasi kelompok tentang struktur pengurusan zaman kita nanti, proker dan ide kita buat CMEF ( capital market education fest) nanti. yh blablablablaaa. trus penghujung terakhir. ada games kita harus ambil koin dengan mulut di dalam baskom yg udah dicampur terigu dan air. anjirlah. cewek kan ngga ikutan. tapi diakhiran ketua 2008 tuh usil banget nemplokin terigunya di muka kita yg pada ngumpet dipojok. jaket angkatan ITB 2009 gw kena. muka dan rambut gw kena. gw cepet" kabur ke lantai 1 dan cuci muka. temen cewe yg lain yg ngira aman di lantai 2 langsung dihajar tepung lagii. seru bangetnget pokoknyaa!! trus foto di lapangan. asooyyy.

walau udah dilantik gw masih merasa sungkan buat dateng ke sekre tapi kalo temen"nya asooy kayak gitu gw pasti pengen ke sekre bareng mereka dehh. hahaa. love you KSEP 2009!!

Hell yeah Calculus !!

Friday, March 5, 2010
well, well.
a week full of calculus, calculus and calculus again.
yeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss. it's not my choice to enter ITB.
but i have decided and can't deny it.
i have to learn. i have to study all this really bulshit things.
all the things which just make me going confused and stress.
even if i have a lot of fun with college mates i can't run of this lesson.
why that people make this lesson?? why that people have to invent something difficult?
why they can't just sit and live normal?? why they have to invent many formula?
yes world become so hi-tech. but what bible said is when the world become crazier than hell is near!
hahaa. all i write here nonsense. i just can't figure out all the things here.
i'm stressed of mid test. i'm tired of studying here. why ITB is so hard??? aarrrgghh~

Poets on Pesan Dari Bintang

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
some poets by Sitta Karina

morning greets you with smmile,
let today simply pass by like the old days
we cry, laugh and run freely, chasing what they called beauty
of a friendshio that lies frontier
But i'm in pain..
and the melody yous ing to me
is my anesthetic
will we be like this, QUERIDA?
as the storm swallow all the grace
in this darling morning?
-Day of Entwined Fate

Longing in grief of thing not existing hard to do// Blending in that lead me to crime// Losing "Besame Mucho"// to soothe blistering ache// next to mine // My world turns crumpled as breathing your name so uncertainty is something i want to embrace // instead of blind obsession your wraith in the sparks of candlelight // Hear she played out Dream away the wish I could never paint // Just talking to the rain Let the peace yields in // and feel my withering soul arise..
-Breathe Your Name

why did you let go of my hands?
are we still the same doodles
just like before hittin' the city,
when you'd always there
stood as my knight in shining armor

reach out for my hand now, Dear Lullaby
let me be your strength
forget about anything petty
'coz we are one
which now somehow vanished
into fragments of memory...

i want to cry
but instead i laugh
i want to taint the rose
absurdly, i cherish its beauty
i want to turn my back on you,
on contrary
i run to your warmth
-on contrary

as i soar my gaze
to the depth of your eyes,
i feel like flying up
in the infinite blue,
climbing the rainbow,
crossing the clouds
feeling soft blew
of the wind
within my face,
The flicker of gentle light
tickling my very soul
then i discover what i found:
a precious star
twinkling brightly,
as if a hand reached out to me,
taking me out of this world
that full of grace and lies
There in your precious star
i found an answer,
an endless truth
i feel the warmth nestling in
this wish from the sky is coming to me
and to the beauty
of what's in you
-Upon the Rainbow
I sip margarita
through the curves
of your pointy fingers
I drench myself
while spartanly chasing the raindrops
I taste the lusciious thrill
over childish utopia
covered by pure daring,
Soaring freely
with endless laughter
I drink the peril
with the embrace
of you
-Roar the Trill
leech crawling all over your brain
craft scrumptious potrait of corrupt desires,
thing that little heart denies
but could not hold back,
overwhelming one's sinful

 There should be
more quality time
in our frantic days
Just to keep us...
-Quality Time
Ice and Storm
collide in fury
Taken the very being
of my sanity
and banis me
out of the clarity
-Ice and Storm

Lost in the sand of time
The feel of silky warmth penetrates...
within my skin..
Envelope me in..
peaceful awakening,
Stir my eyes open,
to see the true rose in..
a bloom.
A rose to keep forever
-Save the Last Rose 

Hanafiah - Pesan Dari Bintang

Pesan Dari Bintang, a novel by Sitta Karina


"Some people say that in friendship we share everything: laugh, pain, stories... and secrets. Even the darkest one"
Inez Hanafiah dan Nikratama Zakrie telah bersahabat sejak 5 tahun yang lalu di sebuah public school di New York. Namun ujian sesungguhnya baru dimulai ketika mereka tiba di Jakarta :
Mengapa ada perasaan menggelitik lain di hati Inez? Mengapa Niki malah menjaga jarak dengan Inez? Mengapa Austin, kakak Inez, terang-terangan membenci Niki, padahal para sepupu Hanafiah sangat menyukainya? Mengapa hubungan Niki dengan kakaknya, Rifas, hancur? Mengapa Inez lebih kalem dan tidak se-player dulu? Mengapa Niki sering hilang? ...dan mengapa tubuh Niki kini penuh luka?
Niki dan Inez bersikeras bahwa mereka hanya cocok menjadi teman, tapi mengapa Niki menjadi orang pertama yang terbang ke Hvar, Kroasia, ketika mengetahui sahabatnya kabur ke sana?

"What I like most is : once i read it, i couldn't put it down! Aku selalu penasaran akan cerita selanjutnya. It's a fun reading.. karena alur ceritanya cepat dan intens. Plus, banyaknya detail yang deskriptif, yang semakin membangun suasana ceritanya. Overall.. It's been very entertaining!" -MAYLAFFAYZA Violis.

Paramore - Summer Sonic 09 Japan

Hayley is so beautiful here!! 
The sailor uniform suit her best! 
Iihh pengen punya seragam sailor-nya!!
Enjoy watching this viedo pals!

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